Stay young forever - move differently!

Remember being a child and trying to jump over cracks in the pavement, balance along a skinny beam or climb a tree? When’s the last time you did something like that? It’s probably been a while, and of course - you’re an adult, why would you do such silly things. Right?

This is a huge flaw in our thinking and while I don’t need you to do those exact things, we can learn a lot from the way children play and move.

You see, children are constantly learning and one of the things they’re learning is how their body moves. So they try different things like climbing, jumping, running, balancing and it’s all learning for their brains and for their bodies - it’s just disguised as playing.

As we grow older we’ve done it all already, for the most part we explored our physical capabilities and now we’re too busy with our adult lives. Plus it would look a bit crazy if I were to climb a tree in my work clothes on my lunch break.

The harsh truth is, when we stop moving we start dying. Degeneration of your muscles, joints, nerves and brain will happen as we get older but those who stay active will experience less degenerative effects. Trying new movements and exercises is a great way to constantly stimulate the brain and challenge the body.

What I would encourage you to do is to keep trying new things. Try a new sport or workout class, join your kids when they’re playing outside, and maybe go ahead and climb that tree after all! Whatever you decide to do, take it slow, stay safe and remember to have fun like you used to.


How much do you move in a day?


Active recovery or rest days?