How long is too long for deskwork

Even with the best equipment and postural techniques there is still a limit to how long we should sit or stand at our desk.

There is no consensus amongst experts on exact time frames but an easy rule to follow that won’t hinder productivity is 1 hour of work then move. Keep in mind this will depend on your specific needs and could be much shorter at just 20 or 30 minutes if that’s what your body needs.

Each hour get away from your desk to move. Walk to get a glass of water, go to the bathroom or just do some simple stretches and movements to get the body moving again. Its great to alternate between sitting/standing each time you move too if possible!

Another great way to prevent prolonged sitting is to do tasks on the move. If you have a phone call to make and you don’t need to be in front of your computer go for a walk. If you can get out of the office to have a meeting then chat while walking to a nearby cafe.

The more varied your work day can be with different sitting, standing and walking options the better.


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